Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Classic Whiskey Sour Cocktail

I love tangy!
And a classic old time cocktail, the Whiskey Sour really fits the bill.
It's kind of funny that I never had one until 50 years old.

Traditionally Whiskey Sour's have a raw egg white in them, which makes for a frothy and pretty drink. However, most restaurants and bars never serve them with an egg white.
Pity that... it is very good and adds a special festive touch.
Of course, you already know you shouldn't eat raw egg whites if you have a comprised immune system (old, pregnant or a kid... who gives a kid a cocktail anyway?). 
However, I have one question, are you still eating raw cookie dough?

I meant to save this recipe for National Whiskey Sour Day, which is August 25th, but I just couldn't wait. 

Makes 2
4 oz whiskey, like Bourbon or Rye
4 oz lemon simple syrup (or Sweet & Sour Mix)
Lemon juice, to taste if you want it more tangy
1 egg white (optional)

Shake in 
Garnish with cherry and lemon slice

Note-  You can always substitute a Sweet & Sour Mix for lemon simple syrup but it's just not the same.  If you have a lemon and some sugar... just make your own.  It's got a nicer "mouth feel", costs less and doesn't have weird artificial ingredients in it!
My simple syrup recipe link is HERE.

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1-2 lemon, juiced and rind* cut into quarters

Easy.... equal parts white sugar and water.... add the lemon juice and lemon rinds. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Strain if necessary and pour into a container and chill. * The lemon rind adds a bit of bitterness, which is nice to counteract the sweet and the sour.  Call it built in "bitters" if you will.

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