Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hop, Skip and Jump Naked Cocktail

Really this cocktail is called a 'Hop, Skip and Go Naked'.  I just thought 'Hop, Skip and Jump Naked' sounded more fun... aaah, drink a couple of these and you'll know where I am coming from.

I'm pretty much a wine and beer purist, not into too many cocktails, but this one caught my attention... mainly because my husband was drinking it and that was very unusual for him. I had to try it, so of course, I swiped a big slurp from right under his very nose- - yum!  We were on a little vacation getaway in Leavenworth (the Bavarian Village in WA, NOT the penitentiary in KS) and we were walking  back to our lodging, so it was all good.  But, I will caution you, these go down pretty easy and you may not notice how happy you are before you are hoppin, skippin' and well... jumpin' naked (wink, wink).

This is a great mixed drink for a hot day, or to serve with Mexican, Indian or any other spicy food. Even people who say they don't like mixed drinks will probably like these!

Here's the important stuff, this drink is served in a pint canning jar! Yep, that's what everyone says.  I know, I know, seems kind of silly to use a jar, when you have nice crystal, but hey, this kind of red neck tradition is important too!

1 part vodka
2 parts lemonade
3 parts beer, I prefer something dark and nutty
Lemon or Lime wedges

Pour over ice, in the order above (or any ol' order by the end of the night) and enjoy!


  1. Actually, I had this drink for the first time back in the mid 70's in a restaurant in Orlando, Florida. I am 67 years old and overtime I ask has anyone heard of the drink I consistently hear "NO".

    The name I identify for the drink is: A hop, skip, and a jump - go naked.

    1. Isn't it amazing how many people still need to KNOW about this great drink? I love your story.... I love the name you gave it too! No matter what you call it, it will be a tasty, refreshing drink that makes all of you happy.
